Originally posted by Serious Sean:In the long run HD will be worth more and even now I personally find it much better than OG. OG has its upsides but overall HD is just significantly better.
I spent like 15 hours on the OG version and 360 hours on HD. That and HD is going to eventually get an exclusive level editor at some point and is planned to allow just about anything due to how BYOM (build-your-own-mansion) will be set out. While HD is more expensive, there is a hefty more amount of polish and care behind it and with the engine being a lot more flexible, it simply allowed the devs to do more. In the end OG will cost a total of $5.98 if you include all DLC (Karamari and Dollhouse) and HD costs $9.99 up front. Spookys Jump Scare Mansion - Can you survive 1000 rooms of cute terror Or will you break once the cuteness starts to fade off and youre running for your life from the unspeakable hideous beings that shake and writhe in bowels of this house They wait for you, they wait and hunger for meeting you. The only thing that I personally find better in OG than HD is a better atmosphere and due to the game having a slightly janky gameplay making it oddly spoopier. Many of the specimen have been polished up to be more unique compared to how they were in OG. With HD Renovation there is plenty of polish, better gameplay, a better engine meaning less glitches for instance.
In the long run HD will be worth more and even now I personally find it much better than OG.